All horses deserve a good life

Ethical treatment of our horses

All horses deserve a good life
Every horse has the right to life, no matter the breed, their age and their faults

Every horse has the right to life, no matter the breed, their age and their faults. We believe that every horse that can be healed should receive healing, and every horse that can be treated, should receive treatment. If we hear of a horse that needs a good home, we will do our best to find a new family and a home for adoption. We will only euthanize as a last resort, if a horse suffers from a serious incurable disease or if the horse is in chronic pain, and only in consultation with at qualified vet. The end-of-life decision is an act of mercy, rather than a question of convenience or lack of room or time.

Far too many horses have suffered from imperfections, caused by humans. They have been misunderstood, mistreated, or perhaps the owner is no longer able to care for their horse, through no fault of the horse itself. We believe that every horse should live a good life, and it is not reasonable to put it down, just because it can no longer be “used” on our terms. Every horse is a living being with the right to life, and it needs other horses more than it needs us. Horses thrive without having to be used by humans, and many can live a good herd life and fulfil its purpose by being a member of a herd. This is why it is always possible to find a new family and a new herd of horses. There are many possibilities to be together with your horse, even if it is no longer used for riding. You can do groundwork, agility, or just play, and the horse can have many more years to live in. 

Through education, and through our network we will strive to find an individual solution for each and every one of our horses. 

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